The game has always been a part of our culture for a very long time, we already have prehistoric men of their time devoted to the activity fun.
Whether you are a casual player and therefore not inclined to follow all thiols in output, and instead belongs to the category of hardcore gamers, who goes crazy for games like enjoys games like Call of Duty, Battlefield 3 or Halo, you know that players can be divided into two broad categories of membership linked to the type of gaming platforms, we talk about PC and Console.
These two systems have very different characteristics and many people are fighting to prove that their choice is the right one. In an attempt to provide information regarding the choice ta the two solutions, in this article we will compare the pros and cons of each.
Let?s start with the PC games. The first thing that we find is that the number of games developed for the personal computer market is huge. The number of players is impressive indeed are more than 4 million people who are constantly online on Steam, the program created by a company of video games, Valve, for the digital distribution of video games (ie buy a game on the Internet, buy only the game and not the ?box?).
A positive aspect of PC games is their low cost compared with those for the console. On average, a superior game is only 50$, while on consoles is around 60$. Not only are there a lot of games exclusively for PC but most of these exclusive cost around ? 15 and offer a quality you normally see only in securities with triple-A.
The PC games also have more value than the console counterpart. Thanks to the wide community of enthusiasts, most of the titles at once changes by the players themselves that add hours of new content. The change can affect anything from a greater number of weapons added a new story entirely to the original storyline in the game. Even the old games can come to shine with a ?coat of paint?, there are in fact players can create changes that improve the graphics of the game making it look more modern. The experience of PC gaming is revealed for many titles better and more exciting.
I?ve been experimenting Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 and I must say that I feel the fun with my friends is fabulous but when I saw the edition for PC turn I was impressed to say the least, it?s really an amazing experience! In particular stood out instantly fast action and constant that is sometimes lacking in the console version.
There are thousands and thousands of great games at an acceptable cost. For example, it has recently been released Planetside 2 for PC. As the name implies, this is the result of the first release and has a quality graphics and storyboards really exciting but the biggest surprise is when you go to the store to buy it with only 13$ you can take it home!
With regard to the cost of PC gaming should be said that far exceeds that of a traditional console or a PC but be careful to reflect well on this particular. When you buy a pc game takes home a super powerful machine that you can use not only to play with the utmost satisfaction but you can also use it for any other purpose how to work with graphics programs, data processing, internet, etc ? then one pc I brought home two. If we are experts in hardware, you can also buy the components online and create a super powerful with 600$ or less!
Despite all these great features, many people prefer a console because it has a more familiar and easier to use than a personal computer. When you decide to buy and use a gaming computer you must have some foundation of knowledge about how a computer works, on the contrary, use a console does not require computer knowledge and there are no complex configurations to be set: it all comes down to a simple plug and play, you will not have to assemble the components of your computer and get confused with the myriad of wires and cables that run into the case. In addition, many families use their console not only for gaming. Thanks to powerful models such as the legendary PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was possible to take advantage of new applications dedicated to sport and movement practiced in the home, and a growing number of families using these platforms as a means of socializing and meeting place for all components. A further use of the console is the use to which it can do as a DVD player, as many people like to watch a movie on a TV 42-inch high-definition using just the console.
Undoubtedly the use of the console is very simple and accessible to people of all ages. The organization of content is performed automatically. While a computer is necessary to operate manulamente so that all the icons or folders to be in order to hold what you need, with a console everything is set up in sections set automatically. If it is true that there are infinitely many exclusive games for the PC, it is also true that there are many exclusive games console there this makes sure that PC gamers are tempted to buy a console.
As it turned out, it is not easy to choose whether to buy a gaming computer or a console. People who are experts in technology tend to move towards the computer as they know what they are doing and are able to solve any problem could occur. The other, less experienced, they choose without hesitation the console as it does not require any maintenance and running in minutes. But between the two systems which is best? Considering how in the long run, a computer can save money, this is without doubt the best choice. In fact you can save a lot more money with a computer game as the games are cheaper and there are also many titles completely free. But of course, this is just my idea because, as we have seen, the variables involved are many and each has its own requirements.
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